CZ Individual Conversations (I)

By registering for an individual conversation, you will get the unique opportunity to have a 1-on-1 conversation with a recruiter of a company to explore career opportunities and ask personalized questions!

CZ Presentation

A company presentation gives you a unique insight into the ins and outs of the daily business of a company. Through an interactive presentation, you will learn more about the working environment, corporate culture, job opportunities and more!

Nationale Nederlanden Individual Conversations

By registering for an individual conversation, you will get the unique opportunity to have a 1-on-1 conversation with a recruiter of a company to explore career opportunities and ask personalized questions!

Nationale Nederlanden Workshop

A workshop gives you a unique and interactive insight into the company through a short introduction, solving a case and or other educational activities you will quickly find out if a company is a good fit for you!

Dentons Individual Conversations

By registering for an individual conversation, you will get the unique opportunity to have a 1-on-1 conversation with a recruiter of a company to explore career opportunities and ask personalized questions! 

Aon Presentation

A company presentation gives you a unique insight into the ins and outs of the daily business of a company. Through an interactive presentation, you will learn more about the working environment, corporate culture, job opportunities and more!

Dentons Presentation

A company presentation gives you a unique insight into the ins and outs of the daily business of a company. Through an interactive presentation, you will learn more about the working environment, corporate culture, job opportunities and more! 

Rembrandt F&O Presentatie

A company presentation gives you a unique insight into the ins and outs of the daily business of a company. Through an interactive presentation, you will learn more about the working environment, corporate culture, job opportunities and more! 

AKD at the job fair

A job fair is a great place to have a chat with recruiters while grabbing a bite to eat. You can swap contact info if you want to get in touch later or learn more about the company. Plus, it’s a great chance to meet other job seekers and maybe even stumble upon some hidden […]